Saturday, Nov. 1st!
It's Saturday morning, our first show isn't until noon. We get to sleep in alittle! Arriving at the Rum Barrel at 11:45, to the long awaited show Tall Paul and Crawdaddy! The six of us found a big table atop the outdoors deck! It was gorgeous, the weather was perfect! This show is the one we were all looking forward to...it definitely lived up to our
expectations!!!! I can't say enough about how wonderful this show was! The energy, the passion, the MUSIC... exemplar! The place was packed! We enjoyed a great lunch with great music! Paul sang the 'boat song'! He asked anyone who knew the motions to come up... I so didn't want to stand in front of all these people, but Paul knew I Knew the song. He coaxes me up there with the help of Crawdaddy who keeps calling me "Sparkle" (I was wearing a sequences shirt...shocking!!) I did dance! It was fun! Later, when
Paul and Michael were taking a break, Rob and Lynley, the CalypsoNuts were singing! The crowd was enjoying the show, at one point, they referenced St. Somewhere...(my all time favorite FAVORITE band, Matt spurred my interest and love for trop rock and I will be forever grateful!) ...anyway, one of the girls was wearing a tye-dye St. Somewhere shirt... it took me back.... Next thing I know, I hear
Robbie launch into Postcard (this is Matt Hall's song... his baby, his signature song). I found myself moving to the front of the crowd, with mixed emotions....truly mixed. I couldn't sing along, I just stood in awe. Part of my thrilled to be hearing this live again... another part of me, concerned and protective. As the song went on, I just didn't know what to do... I was overcome with emotion...reflecting all the shows I attended to see Matt, Quincy, Aram and Craig's favorite, Kevin. The girl in the St. Somewhere shirt comes to me, tears in my eyes, she goes on to tell me that Matt gave them permission to sing the song and he even helped with some of the riffs in the song. The whole experience left me missing them desperately!
We had to leave the show early at 5pm!!! We were registered for the sunset cruise at 6pm. We rushed around to get ready and head to the pier. We walked through Mallory Square! I've been to KW 5 times and had never made it to the square. It was the perfect time of day to walk through Mallory Square! Wow, what a mix of entertainment! Im glad we ventured through there. We loaded the boat near the Pier where SunnyJim was playing. We got to hear
him sing while we waited, what a joy! The cruise included Rick and Janice, Craig and I. The reason why we signed up for the cruise was Rob Mehl!!! The headliners of the cruise was KD Moore, Greg "fingers" Taylor, and Amy Lee! It was great! Unfortunately, Rob only played 4 songs!! Overall, the cruise was a success! It was beautiful quite cool actually...cool as in temperature! Once the cruise was over, we met up the Emmon's on Duval Street. We stay upstairs of Ric
k's and watched the actions below. Some of us wanted to go dance at Sloppy Joes, others wanted pizza, I knew I was heading to the PierHouse to hear Peter Mayer!!! Craig and I drifted through the inner garden of the Pier House. Peter is so talented. This show was GREAT! People sitting in a small semi-circle around 2 wonderful musicians! Many were sitting upon beach chairs, our feet in the sand, up close! Soooo Magical! I didn't want this show to end! From here we headed to the Hog to finish our night! We were standing outside the Hog talking to our wonderful TX friends, when a guy with a guitar on his back approaches! Gayla launches into a huge commercial for this guy... Bob Karwin. I know I had read his name various places but had never really heard his music or even know who he was. We immediately hit it off, joking and
laughing, he is so charming and fun! He had my attention, I asked about his music, Gayla couldn't say enough about his talent. Bob pulled out one cd, he then decided to give me another cd....at this point, I wasn't going to except only one. I had to have them both. I bought both of them....giving them such a hard time saying that I had never bought a cd without hearing the music first, I was buying this on faith! It was the BEST decision I made all week!!!I haven't stopped listening to them! It was a Great night! We stayed for the end of the Hughie's show, I think we were even there for the very end... its odd being on Duval at 2:30am... its almost quiet in places. Craig and I decided this was the night we were going to make it to Mr. Z's. We walk to Southard, and step up to order our pizza. At this point, I laugh! There are only 2 people in Mr. Z's.... Howie Golub and Bob Karwin! What fun... Craig attempts to order his steak and cheese sandwich and a piece of pizza....the poor guy working behind the counter replies, "sir, I didn't understand a word you said..." again I laugh...and place our order! It was a perfect day!! We walked home and enjoy our snacks at the the quiet surroundings of the Key West B and B.
What a night!