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Take Care,

Friday, April 18, 2008

softball, graduation, and EARTHQUAKES!!!

This is my rambling of updates from the past month or so. With the demise of my work computer, I am slowly rebuilding three years of presentations and rather busy with my daughter's activities.

The summer is quickly approaching, that means softball season is gearing up. Craig and I have rather stupidly accepted the responsibility to 'help' run the Girls softball league here in town. My job simply involves being on the Rules Committee, creating the website, collecting the player application and putting the information into an Excel spreadsheet (currently at 290 players), help with the draft, find 27 businesses to sponsor teams, encourage other businesses to buy a banner for the fields, ...Oh don't forget that our names are on the applications so anyone who has a question, suggestions or the most popular a complaint, they call us!! Those jobs are primarily finished, now I am trying to schedule the teams games. However, several teams have players that participate on school teams and have asked that I avoid those games. This is CRAZY!!! All I can say, "Im doing my best!" I spend anywhere from 2 to 6 hours or more on softball each day! Is it over yet???

My second update is that Lauren is graduating!!

Relax..... It is only from 6th grade! She came home the other day with this picture. It literally left me speechless. (.... ok ok.... enough with the comments on me being speechless...it doesn't happen often. I can't help it that I like to talk!) I doesn't seem she should be old enough to go to jr. high. This breaks my heart. She is literally growing before my eyes. I think she has grown 4 inches since December. ...... impossible!

Finally, EARTHQUAKE!! This morning around 5:30, I woke to my house beginning to shake. I was confused for awhile thinking it might be a vibration from the train. But it got stronger and faster. Craig sits up and says, ''''whoa..Whoaaa.." All three girls jumped up and stood in the hallway, one was crying. For 60 seconds our house was shaking!!!! It was the eeriest, weirdest minute of my life. The center was not far from where we live. It measured 5.4. What a week!
This is a video from the yahoo website on the earthquake: http://cosmos.bcst.yahoo.com/up/player/popup/?rn=3906861&cl=7455661&ch=4226713&src=news

Ok... I gotta finish the scheduling for softball.

Dont forget to leave a comment!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Computer crashed....... again!

After taking a new job three years ago, my consultant firm gave me a laptop to use for work. In the three years, the laptop has crashed twice. The second being just this week.

Somewhere in my heart, I am trying to explain to myself it was some metal and plastic, yet it feels like a pet or a family member.

I stored all my 'important' stuff on it. All my work accounts, presentations, personal informaton....etc.. you get the picture.

How do you explain to your five year old why you have been crying all day over a computer?
